"Return, we beseech thee, O God of Hosts: look down from heaven, and behold, and visit this vine;" Psalm 80:14




I, ‘neath the Night Tree, looking up through its bough,

Catching glimpses of moon where the leafings allow,

And sightings of star and formations of cloud,

And offerings of jet trails cutting high ‘ore its brow.


Thenceforth from tranquility charms the Mockingbird’s gifts

Of intuitive tunes—then to covering it drifts

And replicates melodies and airs that it’s heard--

--Can opus or repertoire find surpass of this bird?


Abruptly a lone Challenger then pierces the scene

With a warble full throated and ardently keen

That sets free its own song thus to passionately bear

A rendition praiseworthy in the midst of great flair.


The dual of the two birds, from Night Tree to Night Tree,

Issues forth scores from each bird of significant decree--

As the other catches remnants of notes wafting in air

Then croons an embellishment much more elegant and rare.


Each bird sharpens the other but then Mockingbird mimes

With showers of impromptus of sweet wistful rhymes

Staging eloquent voicing with each chirrup and trill

Waxing strong with flutterings of its wing and its quill


The Contender draws silent on its perch of hushed awe;

Yielding now to Mockingbird and refusing last call.

Mockingbird’s encore performance is a class of its own,

Forcing concede of Contender who next mutely moves on.


Suddenly some overhead scuttles disturb sweet reveries

With nearby night life in the heights of the Night Trees,

Where hangs an O’Possum, in fact, there all along;

Hence with a shiver of hysteria I scurry on home.

Joan Lee Binkley

Joan Binkley

June, 2009

Copyright 2009 by Joan Binkley

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