"Return, we beseech thee, O God of Hosts: look down from heaven, and behold, and visit this vine;" Psalm 80:14

Your Life On Parchment

(To Mom and Dad 12/13/06)


Write it all down

Whatever comes to mind

Who you are now

Who you were then


Did you become

Who you thought you’d become?

Was your life fiery;

Was it a song?

Is your life better

Than you thought it would be?

What would you do over;

What would you let be?


We’ve talked in the past

And you’ve told me some things

Looking back now

It’s like pearls on a string.

Beautiful moments

A picture in time

But I want to know more

If you’ll be so kind.


So write it all down

From beginning to end

Start with the start

And end with the end.

Don’t leave anything out

Don’t leave any doubt

Just give me your life

As you lived it

Day In and Day Out


And this time I’ll live it with  you

In ink on parchment


Were your Christmases merry?

Were birthdays such fun?

Were there lots of presents

Or did you have none?

Was there only an orange

Was there no gift to see

But were you still happy

Though poor as could be?


What were the happiest times

Which times were sad

When did you feel loved

When did you feel mad

Who were your favorite people

Who guided your life

Who taught you life skills

Who brought you through strife.


Then tell me about your mom

And tell me about your dad

And about their mom

And about their dad;


And this time I’ll live it with  you

In ink on parchment


For knowing who you are

I’ll know who I am.


                      --Sandra Joan Lee Binkley

                          (December 13, 2006)






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